Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Lost Realization, Day 12

Today as I was walking alone with my thoughts I had a realization that I felt would be appropriate to blog, but I have no idea what it was anymore. I woke up late and forgot to provide my rent checks for the food bank. I was asked to return tomorrow with those documentations, at which point I can receive food. I also have an appointment with an employment agency I already belong to. I've been told that I'm a good candidate, but my schedule was limited at the time. Hopefully something stable and financially reasonable will come up. All I really need is a chance to prove myself. I have not only the experience but the ability to work in an office position, but either I'm passed up for positions I can fulfill or am offered positions I know I'm not qualified for. The next thing I know I get fired for not knowing what I specified I didn't know! I'm looking for change in the financial aspect.

Some time alone has silenced some thoughts that have been burdening me, but I'm still unsure what the right decision is or even if there is a right decision. It's nice to not be stressed, though. But I miss what I once had and may still have. Who knows? Even if you really want something if you can barely express that or you find yourself caught in a web of more problems before you have an opportunity to even address the original problems, how can resolutions be found? I don't want to be trapped in a cycle of unresolved issues.

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