Monday, August 31, 2009
Writing is Human, Day 36
Writing is a human activity. A human is a physical embodiment of an emotional soul. I was letting a part of me die because I was trying to be something I'm not. Being more emotionally-receptive and emotionally-functional, my writing will grow and evolve. It'll capture moments in a grasping way the way it's supposed to. It won't be a one-dimensional description of strategically placed words. It'll be relatable, real.
When I first began this blog, I did it out of inspiration and to channel intense emotions I didn't know how to manage and put it into words, something I already enjoy doing. By recording what I feel and experience, it's made them more real and understandable. Being more conscientious of them, I noticed the changes in me and the transformation taking effect. But this is the first time real progress became evident because proof manifested itself in the way I wrote.
The more I feel, the more I realize how disconnected I am. The less I felt, the more connected I assumed I was because I didn't know any better. It's nice to know that even though I feel disconnected, I'm actually more connected than I initially realized. It's interesting that I channel the water and fire element less, which was the only proof that I was an emotional person. But when you function like a normal person who feels things, you don't always need to experience intense emotional fluctiations and rage. You calmly experience everything around you. Who knew? I certainly didn't for a very long time.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
So Much in One Day, Day 35
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Fun Weekend in Progress, Day 34
Friday, August 28, 2009
Breaking the Habit, Day 33
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Feeling Sick, Day 31
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
It's Not About the Celebration, Day 30
Monday, August 24, 2009
Not a Prisoner in my Own Thoughts, Day 29
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Surfacing Premonitions, Day 28
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Senti-Ment and Other Expressions of Feelings, Day 27
He decoded a word which really spoke to me. He broke down the word sentiment into two words "senti" and "iment". Apparently the word "senti" means feelings. I didn't used to be a sentimental person. I was also an emotionally-disconnected person. It made me realize what I involve and my writing improves profoundly when I'm most emotionally-vulnerable and exposed. I can't relate to things if I don't feel things. If I don't feel things, I can't reflect properly to write. A writer has to feel. I'm hoping that by truly feeling things my experiences will change. I'll notice the subtle air breezing by.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Proceed with Fear, Day 26
So much has happened. Ever since I slowed down my mind and began becoming more emotionally-receptive I’ve realized that even the smallest of things have immeasurable impact. Fears I've always had manifest and affect me more strongly than ever because I'm now emotionally-connected. There's something about being emotionally-invested in something that makes everything so much more terrifying. Passion is what drives us. It's one of the most exhilarating experiences in life but also the most frightening.
Fear is a common and even natural emotion that we all feel and face. Too many of us allow it to consume us and we surrender to it. We don't like being afraid. It's understandable but unavoidable. We can distract ourselves from the impending fear, but it'll always be there, lingering, waiting, and ready to drain us of our vitality unless we channel and fully embrace how fear makes us feel and transform it into something more powerful. It's better to proceed with fear than live in the shadow out of fear.
I've always wanted to become a writer. I thought I was strong and confident because I would say that openly and proudly, but the truth is that I was hiding from my fear. I couldn't face the possibility that I won't make it as a writer, so I was adamant. Now that the barriers that once existed are no longer there, and I'm left to trust myself, I'm plagued by fear once again. It's not that I had confidence in myself as a writer. I was wearing a mask.
Now that the mask is off, I'm so fucking scared! And guess what? That's okay. Better to experience fear than exist without emotions. I realized that I have to proceed with fear because I can't eliminate fear out of my life. I can't change how I feel until my feelings change as a result of how experiences affect me. I'm not going to wait around until my fear goes away. It may never go away. So I'm going to proceed with fear.
I sought advice from my friend and mentor about becoming a writer. His response moved me in a way he'll never know. I've actually decided to print it out and put it in my binder. I want it to serve as a mantra for me. I was also told by a friend today, "If you don't write, it's on you." Those words spoke to me because I know he knows what he's talking about. I have so many pressures weighing on me right now. It's very possible that the little exposure I have now can become my life. If I were to become that embodiment, it would consume me. That's still not an excuse. If I don't write, it's on me. Better to have tried and failed than to not have tried at all. I may not believe that in its entirety in other aspects of my life, but it definitely applies to writing.
I want the air to travel where it must. I want to follow it and see where it leads me. I want to grow and evolve just like the earth has. I want my emotions to flow through me like the rivers and waterfalls. I want the passion in my heart to ignite my dreams, and set them on fire. But I want to control it, so it doesn't burn everything in sight. It's through this that I'll find my balance, my center. Above all else, I will be me. Who am I, you ask? I'm a writer.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
To Overcome Fear, "Day 25"
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Girl World, Day 24
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Our Experiences Flavor Our Soul, Day 23
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cluttered with Thoughts and Emotions, Day 22
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It's All or Nothing, Day 21
Saturday, August 15, 2009
1 N, Day 20
Friday, August 14, 2009
Live First, Learn Second, Day 19
Manifestation of Feelings, "Day 18"
I discovered something. I’ve always to some level believed that the energy you possess is the energy you attract. But I never utilized that knowledge. Knowing something without using it is useless information. Every time something in me tried to challenge me about the perpetuating cycle I was in, I would always respond with a stubborn rebuttal that I can’t help being negative because of all the crap that kept happening to me. I think there was an element of truth to that, but I was being single-minded.
Over time the chaos in my life subsided because my circumstances changed. As a result, I reacted differently towards my life and it changed the energy I carried around me. I didn’t willingly manifest a more positive energy as a way to attract better energy. It just led to that result. But recently something changed in me after a really bad breakup with a guy I really cared about. I started attracting laid-back people. I think I realized how much I needed to change and that I was desperately seeking to develop something I don’t have. Eventually these amazing people in my life have affected me in ways I never knew possible. But life is never meant to be mundane for long.
I personally didn’t start attracting the kind of energy I want to stay away from, but it was beginning to approach me. I kept thinking to myself how much I didn’t want that kind of toxic negativity around me in my life. Even if my thought revolving the toxicity was repulsion, constantly thinking toxic, toxic, toxic attracted the very thing I was trying to avoid. It concealed itself in something unassuming and friendly. I wrote an entry a while ago about titled “A Series of Randomness, Day 10”. I met someone who was looking to make friends, so I suggested that he go to a popular coffee social where it’s virtually impossible to not socialize. He seemed like a normal guy, but that was far from the truth. I actually remember thinking keep him away from a specific friend. I brushed that thought off because I thought I was just being racist, even though I’m not a racist person.
I actually think that by thinking of the negative energy, I attracted the very thing I was trying to avoid. It made me realize how self-sabotaging I’ve been in the past. This guy is seriously unbalanced and disturbed. He seemed like such a friendly guy at first. He texted me one day if we were going to be at the coffee house that night. I told him who was going to be there at what time including my schedule. I said that I’d be there by 7:30 pm. He said that he’ll be there for as long as he can and then he’d leave to go have dinner. He said he’ll have dinner whenever he gets hungry. As he was ready to leave, he texted me that if we don’t run into each other if I wanted to have dinner with him the following day or the day after. I replied that I won’t be available until next week and if he would be there at 7:30 pm. His response was startling. “Leaving. No one is showing up. When you say you are busy til next week, is it a cheap way to blow someone off? I don’t know about you but I make time for people. Idont feel like im too good nor too good important for someone to keep them waiting especially indefinitely. I would respond if I was asked sure how’s Tuesday of next week, etc. Nevermind you probably have too many friends anyways in the area. I just dont like to put too much time and effort on someone whether it be just friends or more who puts me at the bottom of their list and too good to put me ontheir list. Its cool, do what you need to do. Sorry for asking.” That is the exact text I received. Pretty intense, right?
I was shocked, offended, and flustered. The text I sent him didn’t go through, which is actually fortunate. I knew even entertaining him with a response is unwise, but I felt compelled to perpetuate the cycle. This is the text that didn’t go through. “You don’t know me very well. When I blow people off, I blow people off. I can’t make time I don’t have. If I was blowing you off and not making time for you, I wouldn’t have told you when I was available. You perceive making time and putting someone on the list as immediacy. That’s not how it works. Making time means taking time when you have time. I don’t know you have time. I don’t know you very well, but I don’t want to associate myself with judgmental people who blame me for someone I’m not cuz I have a lot of friends who appreciate and accept me as I am.” He texted me that he doesn’t get camera or picture images. I took that as a sign that I shouldn’t bother to engage in this confrontation. The only reason why I responded in the first place is because I didn’t like my integrity being compromised, and I wanted to enlighten him on how flawed his perception is in hopes of helping him. It must be difficult going through life carrying that kind of mentality because he’ll always feel rejected. Life would be more satisfying and fulfilling for him if he accepted and saw things in a light where he isn’t perceived as rejected or unworthy. But a part of me knew that a simple text isn’t going to reverse his deeply imbedded mindset. What’s interesting is that as I was getting upset, a massage therapist at the bookstore I was browsing at advertised a complimentary 5 minute massage. Such perfect timing, right? It’s like the universe’s way of offering me an alternative path to follow.
What this experience has taught me is that sometimes appearances can be deceiving. If I can’t trust what’s right in front of me, all that’s left to trust is myself. So I better be refine my intuitive skills. It also made me realize how my self-sabotaging and perpetuating cycle operates. Even if I think that I don’t want a certain energy surrounding me, by thinking of that energy, I inadvertently attract it. The best thing I can do for myself is focus on what I desire, rather than what I don’t desire. My life will flow through the energy I surround myself with. I want the air I’m surrounded by to be fresh and clean so that my world can be positive. How can clear waters flow and be healthy if it’s contaminated? Even fire can be positive if it’s contained. I don’t want it to be ruthless and uncontrollable. But, more importantly, I want clean energy.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I See Things, Day 17
I think I’ve always had the ability to see things. As a child I would constantly beg myself to not see spirits. I think I saw my first spirit when I was seven or eight years old. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened before that. I’ve always believed in that kind of stuff, but it took me a really long time to accept it. I never thought that I was schizophrenic, but it would be more convenient. I lived in a paralleled world. I believe these things, always have. But when it came time to approach what I saw, I told myself that I had to have imagined it. I was really dismissive about it.
Not everyone believes me or this other reality. That’s okay. For a really long time I struggled with that, and it confused me. I knew that I didn’t care if anyone believed me or not, but I reacted as though I did. I was discreet about all of this. The truth is that I was afraid that I did believe it. I didn’t care about what others thought. Now that I’ve accepted it, I’m more at peace with it.
This is a good thing. But sometimes I don’t like that I get premonitions. Instead of it warning me or feeling like it’s offering me a preview, it’s more like a constant reminder that something’s coming to such a frequency that I can’t enjoy the moment, and I’m daunting what’s to come. I accept that this is how I feel, but I’m no longer fighting it. I can’t ignore or shut it off. That’s like trying to use a door to stop a flow of water from entering. I might as well move some stuff aside (mentally prepare myself) and open the door (accept it) to allow the water (premonition) to flow because one way or another it will enter.
I used to have such difficulty managing my emotions that I became overly logical. But I was also imbalanced in many ways, and I finally figured out why. It’s because I was trying to be someone I’m not. I used to perceive being emotional as being unstable because of my experience in how I managed it. But by being detached, which I shouldn’t be, other problems manifested. I’ve changed a lot. I’m more receptive and better able to manage my emotions, so I don’t become imbalanced when I embrace it. I am an emotional person. By being who I am, I’ve reached more stability than I ever have in my life.
A huge part of that is accepting my gift, which sometimes I react to like it’s a curse. When I was younger, I was told by so many different people (friends, psychics, parents of friends, strangers, people who had no connection to one another who never knew what others have told me) that I shouldn’t tap into my intuition or else it would make me suicidal. Right before then, my intuition sprouted super fast. My life was so hectic that I barely noticed it until people slowed me down and I was forced to observe it for myself. I started to shut down, which I truly believe was the right decision for me at the time. A lot’s changed since then, though.
It’s amazing how transformation works. It seems like it was almost instantaneous when in reality, it’s been building up to this for a long time. The contrasting transitions have just become noticeable now. As I change, I attract new energy and, therefore, new people into my life. A really good friend of mine who has a similar gift revealed to me that he doesn’t use his powers at all, but I need to decide for myself what I’m going to do. I know he thinks that a time will come for me when I have to follow my own path, which is different from his. I just know, deep inside, that my time will come.
Ever since my gift has surfaced so to speak, I’ve began creating terms and observing certain significance. For example, 3 is my symbolic number. I’ve always bounced off of other people’s emotions, but I wasn’t aware of it at the time. I didn’t know where it was coming from or that it was even external. I just felt emotional like I was swimming in an emotional Chef’s salad so to speak. There were all these feelings mixed in there randomly. I didn’t understand or grasp any of it. Now I have a better handle of it. There’s how I feel. There’s how the other person feels. And there’s how I feel in reaction to knowing how the other person feels. Imagine how confusing it would be to experience all of that without knowing the distinctions. I know that these bounced emotions work in threes, and it still throws me.
I first became aware of this when I was hanging out with my last boyfriend. A little before we got together, my mind started to slow down. I started to feel things, but they just seemed like they were miscellaneously floating around. Knowing him, feeling him, and experiencing a feeling that’s distinctly and competitively contrasting from mine made separating them easier. We also talked about how we felt and perceived things. These insights were invaluable.
When I get premonitions, I get them in waves of threes. These premonitions are specific. Each premonition contains characters, my feelings, the other person’s feelings, a storyline, a visual aid, a distinct sense of time difference, a familiar but different version of me, etc. Three very similar premonitions hit me, and it’s usually about the same circumstance or person but different possibilities are presented. So I call these triple effect. I also have what I refer to as “triggers.” When I’m around someone, I get a premonition. But these premonitions I think only occur because of the proximity of being around that person and their energy. When I’m triggered because of their presence, the premonition is a lot vaguer. It’s usually just an image, still or close to still, very minimal movement. I refer to these as “flashes.” I may get a sense of feeling, but it’s minimal and simple. They aren’t complex and dynamic like the triple effects. I mostly see pictures. But what’s interesting is that in the triple effect, I feel like I’m watching it from an observer’s point of view. When it’s a flash, it feels like I’m experiencing it myself. But somehow I feel drawn out of it and see it from an outsider’s perspective. Interestingly enough, I think that occurs later, as if I’m re-entering the flash. There are other types of triggers, too. Sometimes a movie can cause a trigger. If a movie similarly conveys something that can happen in my future, it can cause a trigger. There’s also an energy ball that echoes. I may feel or sense something. Sometimes I may not sense something but I remember it differently from other things. When I talk about it, I make a tiny ball with my finger. I say that it’s like an energy or vibe I sense. Each time I feel it, the energy becomes bigger, brighter, clearer, and stronger. The more exposed I am to it, the better I start to understand it. Each time I feel the energy ball, it echoes what I felt before. The more I feel it, the more it ties together. I’m not sure I like the term “energy ball”, but it’s all I got.
I was telling a friend once that there are so many different types of people in this world, that there’s someone out there who shares the same belief system; we just have to find those people. He’s all about multiple girls, but he’s always been open about it. He used to hate it when girls would ask him if it was monogamous, but now he prefers to be open about it from the start. I told him that to me he felt conflicted and didn’t accept his own desires, so he wasn’t comfortable admitting it. But now that he knows what he wants, has embraced it, it’s easier for him to be open about it, and he attracts girls who are looking for the same thing. Whatever energy you possess is what you attract. I want to attract honest, open, real people. That’s why I’m not pretending to be someone I’m not anymore.
It’s more natural to be open and accepting about all of this. The less conflicted I am, the better I feel. I used to think that embracing this gift will make me unstable. At first the shift in differences did affect me, but now it works. I truly feel that it’s inevitable, so it’s best that I learn to navigate. I don’t want to jump into the water but maybe dip my feet in it.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Nothing That's Just Mine, Day 16
I feel like I’m running out of personal space. I have little to nothing that’s carved out that’s just mine. Work is like a giant energy ball that consumes me, which is good but overwhelming. I live in a living room and share that space with someone else. I have to share my friends and my time. There are worse things, I know. But that doesn’t make what I deal with any easier or manageable. My life is like sand. I hold onto it, but it just spills all over the place. No matter how much I try to hang on to or whatever I grab, it just slips through my fingers.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Bound to Crash, Day 15
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Transition, Day 14
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Life is About Choices, Day 13
Friday, August 7, 2009
Paradoxically Mellow and Rushed, Day 12
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Center of my Hurricane, Day 11
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A Series of "Randomness", Day 10
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Bursting with Emotions, Day 9
Monday, August 3, 2009
My Learning Experience, Day 8
The past two days have felt a lot more cluttered than the preceding days since I’ve began this blog. I contrasted between my addictive personality manifesting itself and showing me how even the most insignificant of things affect me in immeasurable ways to feeling a little float less. As my mind wandered and was unable to focus yesterday, I jotted down a lot of notes channeling my addictive nature into something productive and positive.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My Addictive Manifestation, Day 7
In every entry before this one, I felt connected to it as though a part of my essence went into it. I feel nothing from this as if my soul is empty. My toxic anger spread like fire and evaporated my soul because there was no room for both. Too detached to hate how I feel, while knowing how unfounded my feelings are. My addictive state of mind is perpetuating displaced anger and frustration. I worry that this entry won't be posted before this end's day because I wasted my time listening to a poem that I wasn't receptive to because of my desire to fulfill this project I've committed to. As I've mentioned earlier, I feel too empty to feel guilty for being upset about having to be a part of that when I didn't ask for it and expressed specific interest to do exactly what I am doing now. I can appreciate my friend wanting to include me in something that's important to him, but it went against what I desire, something that was expressed. Instead I impatiently waited for words to reach dead ears because all I thought about was this toxic entry.
What a day I've had. I woke up to text slams and an unsatisfying morning walk that I normally find to be grounding because of the overload of cars that invaded the private streets I usually leisure at. I came home to fill my wish list on amazon and etsy with unnecessary products that any cart can choke on. I remember thinking that it's been a long time since I've been this unproductively focused. I was filled with a sense of mindless devotion to the task at hand and a mixed feeling of wrongness as my stomach gnawed at me. Half the day went by without me eating because my time was consumed with such pointless task until I became obsessed with the idea of hiking.
I called a friend to see if he wanted to go. Instead we made plans to go to a spiritual retreat. I told him that I didn't really feel like I had to go hiking especially since I'll be going tomorrow, but I have this mentality that I have to go hiking. Such an obvious and profound conclusion was shared with me. I want to get away. Why? I don't know. Perhaps it's the premonitions that was filling in my head the night before while I was watching Orphan, or the idea of my next move before this current one is even complete. I'm not sure what plagued me, but I wanted an escape.
Earlier in the day I found the spiritual retreat to not be quite what I had expected but more beneficial than I feel it is now as I feel less receptive in my given state. I was in a self-seeking mood when the tone of this meeting was resembling more of a council meeting with one person talking as a well-intentioned person unhelpfully interrupted in an attempt to help me no less, making the presentation choppy. My concentration was flying like a kite, floaty and uncontrolled until something captivated my attention as the next topic proceeded. I only found it appealing when it applied to me. I suppose that's how it works for everyone, but I realized how superficially self-centered I was. I suspect that if I didn't go there without a selfishly perceived notion of how the experience was going to be I may have reacted differently.
It's interesting how a simple turn of events can influence a person's emotional state greatly and alter our perception of what had already happened. I can tell that I'm just going through a phase. While I may not have been happy with some circumstances today, that's no different any other day. I've never experienced a single day that I didn't wish was different somehow some way. It's how we react to them that I find crucial. Today my addictive personality is fueling my stubbornness and taking everything out of proportion as I singlemindedly feel how I feel. Logically, I know it's inaccurate. Emotionally, I know it's wrong. Mentally, I know it's unhealthy. But in me this is how I feel, frustrated and angered as the wind blows by and I can feel is the fire drying my otherwise splashy emotions.