Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Writing Identity/Mood/Personality

Being a writer is an innate part of me. So I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that I have writing moods and even a writing personality that identifies me uniquely. I've tried my best to maintain daily entries. Even if I don't feel particularly profound, I think the habit is good for me. If I wait until I have something to say, there's quite a bit I could be denying myself as some of my work and its potential isn't revealed until after it's completed. Plus who said writing daily will prevent me from deeper works? I'm now summarizing a previous entry...

My point is I try to write early in the day before I have experiences that may inspire me. So sometimes midday I want additional stuff I want to write about. I like this method because if I wait until something captivates me, I may find nothing to write about. So I've at least completed my goal this way. Quite a bit has happened that I wanted to jot down but you know how ideas slip through me from time to time. You'll have to forgive my amnesia. I did have a couple things I wanted to express, but I find myself unmotivated to put it into words. So instead I think I'll just meditate on it. Til next time...

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